With the increasing global changes, we understand our clients have developing needs to unlock transition and sustainability-linked growth prospects. To cater to these needs, we specialize in offering tailored ESG reporting and disclosure services specifically tailored for businesses operating in Singapore.

Our expertise lies in assisting organizations in navigating the intricate landscape of ESG regulations and frameworks unique to the Singaporean market, including guidelines set forth by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). From conducting comprehensive ESG assessments to crafting robust sustainability reporting frameworks aligned with SGX guidelines, GRI, SASB, and MAS requirements, we ensure that companies effectively communicate their sustainability performance and initiatives to stakeholders.

Our services encompass data collection, analysis, and assurance, guaranteeing accuracy and reliability in ESG disclosures. By partnering with us, businesses gain a competitive edge in enhancing transparency, credibility, and investor confidence, thereby driving sustainable growth and societal impact in Singapore and beyond.

ESG Assessment and Benchmarking:

Conduct comprehensive evaluations of your clients' current ESG performance against industry peers and best practices.

ESG Strategy Development:

Assist clients in formulating tailored ESG strategies aligned with their business goals and MAS guidelines.

Reporting Framework Implementation:

Design and implement robust ESG reporting frameworks adhering to SGX, GRI, SASB, and MAS requirements.

Data Collection and Analysis:

Provide assurance on the reliability and accuracy of ESG disclosures through independent verification and audit services.

Assurance Services:

Provide assurance on the reliability and accuracy of ESG disclosures through independent verification and audit services.

Stakeholder Engagement:

Develop effective communication plans to engage stakeholders, including investors, regulators, and the community, on ESG initiatives and performance.

Training and Capacity Building:

Offer training programs to enhance internal capacity and competency in ESG reporting and disclosure practices. 8. Regulatory Compliance Support: Keep clients informed and updated on evolving ESG regulations and guidelines, particularly those set by MAS, and assist in ensuring compliance.

Regulatory Compliance Support:

Keep clients informed and updated on evolving ESG regulations and guidelines, particularly those set by MAS, and assist in ensuring compliance.

Materiality Assessments:

Identify and prioritize ESG issues that are most relevant to your clients' business operations and stakeholders through materiality assessments.

Technology Solutions:

Provide technological tools and platforms to streamline ESG data collection, reporting, and analysis processes, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.